The highest point of the ConvertPages hierarchy is the project. This contains and groups together all campaigns related to a particular subject, business, product, client, etc.
To create a new project, click on "New Project" at the top right. Name your project, select the desired currency from the dropdown, and click "Create Project".
To reorder a project, click on the 6 dots to the left of the project that you'd like to move and drag up or down.
To order projects by date, alphabetical, recent or archived, click on the Filter dropdown and select the desired option. By default, this is set to the Custom position to allow you to reorder the projects to your preference.
You can also use the search bar at the top right to more easily find the right project.
To archive an existing project, hover over the menu icon to the right of the project you'd like to archive, and select "Archive Project". Click "Ok" on the confirmation element.
You can delete or restore an archived funnel by selecting the Archived filter dropdown, hovering over the menu to the right of the desired project and selecting "Restore Project" or "Delete Project".
Note: Deleting a project will remove the project permanently from your account. Please make sure you want to do this before confirming.
To change a project's name or currency, hover over the project's right side menu and select "Project Settings".
You can click anywhere on the project and on the blue "Open" button to go into the project and start creating your funnels or campaigns.